Hello Once Again!

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It has been a long time since I sat in the office and tapped away here. Today I look out the window across green paddocks to dark pines trees against cold grey clouds. Weeds grow along the fences and bulbs are poking through, fruit trees spread bare branches and the little lemon trees are weighed down with their small crops. The currant bushes are growing thick and knobbly with buds, and the Lady Williams apples are at last ripe; crisp, juicy and red.

Much has been happening over the past few months. Easter was bunny; bonny no doubt, but definitely bunny. And after Easter I started digging, not quite like a different kind of bunny, but digging 50-odd small plots in which to plant heritage grain seeds. Earlier in the year I requested some seeds from the Grains Genebank in Horsham, and ended up with 50 varieties to trial. Most of the heritage wheats, spelt, khorasan and emmer are up and doing well, out-competing the weeds and looking good. It is truly a trial to see what will grow well here, and will it have time to ripen? Will it taste great, how will it be to harvest, thresh, clean? What will it mill like, and will it make beautiful wholegrain sourdough? It’s very exciting and intriguing, all a journey of learning and discovery…..

In the bakery we have been making wholewheat, sourdough crumpets. They are out and about at our lovely stockists, and you can’t beat a warm crumpet with dripping butter and honey in winter! Or, Wholewheat Raisin, which I think a particular treat toasted with lots of good butter. And the cold weather is much better for making pastry, so each week I am hand rolling a big batch of wholewheat sourdough puff for Hunza pie and sweet escargots….Good old fashioned Hunza pie has been a hit at the markets, when I manage to get it there! Brown rice, silverbeet, kale, cheese, and a twist of sprouted lentils; delicious, healthy and sustaining.

I have a big bag of beautiful organic lemons to preserve, so that in spring they’ll be ready for Preserved Lemon, Fennel, & Rosemary loaf. And sweet oranges for marmalade. There is always some kind of preserving to do, whatever the season.

Out on the farm again, and Greg has been doing lots of fencing ready for more trees, and we’re starting to get the first of them in the ground. The kids are great helpers, and get out there laying out trees, stamping holes, or planting, when they’re not tearing down the driveway on a mattress on the billy cart that is! And here they come now, banging in the door after school, smiling, loud, and redcheeked from the winter air……

So long for now 🙂