Foster Farmers Market

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We had a great day at the Foster Prom Country Farmers Market last Saturday. It started early, not without some nerves I must say; it was our first market, it was drizzling, would we sell any bread? So we set off and set up successfully at Foster, and met many of the lovely stallholders there who were very helpful and encouraging. And what a great day! A bit cool and windy perhaps, but there were plenty of people, many of whom tried and bought some sourdough, which was so exciting and I must say, a relief too! In the end we sold out, and came home with beautiful produce from the other stalls, tired but happy! It had been a busy day in the bakery on the Friday, baking 4 times as many loaves as usual, but it made Mondays smaller bake seem like a walk in the park! It was a good to use the big mixer a bit more and the kids enjoyed watching it do it’s thing; it is quite mesmerising.

We had taken the camera along to the market, but forgot to take any photos, but here is a photo of some of the bread that we baked that day.

Thank you to all for reading our blog,  trying and buying our bread, supporting and helping us as we set our bakery up and find our feet. We are very grateful 🙂